sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

The Stone (a.k.a. 1/2 hora no facebook)

Isolation caresses the mind.
Set in stone and cast apart,
I become so hard to find,
It might even break one's heart.

But my mind needs the time
to just lay in here alone,
isolate this heart of mine:
Cast apart and set in stone.

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Diferente de nós

Era vê-la crescer, não como nós.
Vê-la crescer diferente de nós.
Ah! Se ela soubesse, como nós.

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011

Grow Tougher

I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to spoil her a bit.
I'm not gonna make her quit
school or anything,
I just wanna spoil her a bit.

I feel it's my duty as a father
to teach her to do what she sees fit.
Not to go all crazy and shit,
I'm just gonna spoil her a bit.

No need for any more than talk:
children can easily understand.
Her will will do the rest
So long as I'm her friend.

I'm gonna have to spoil her a bit.
Make her try out different eyes.
Even knowing it might go bad,
it's worst if she never tries.

I'm definitely gonna spoil her a bit.
But don't get scared or worried...
Like I will when I do.
You see I'm not gonna hurt anyone,
not gonna influence anyone,
not even gonna teach anyone.
I just want her to have some wit,
so I'll spoil her a little bit.